A short 5 minute activity to expand your senses and learn more about how some animals use their senses!
How much do you know about ferns? Test your identification skills with this 10-20 minute drawing activity.
Use your naturalist observation skills to write poems about your favorite plants and animals.
Tips and tricks on how to create your own journal, with recommendations on how to become a naturalist.
Take as much time as you need to truly observe and reflect on what you see, hear, smell, and feel in the park.
Reflect on questions posed by interpretive signs as you walk the Trillium Trail.
Take 5 minutes to listen to the forest as you draw a sound map.
All Ages
Word Find
Word Find
Word Find
Coloring Page
Coloring Page
All Ages
Photo credits: iNaturalist (Greg Hanisek), K. Quinn, Wikimedia Commons (Yifei He), Jim Erckmann.